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이지희 교수

이지희 교수

  • Lee, JeeHee / 李知姬
  • 지능형 건설기술연구실
  • 스마트 건설 관리, 건설 IT 융합
  • 02-820-5328


이화여자대학교 건축공학과에서 학부, 석사, 박사를 졸업한 후 미국 Texas A&M 대학교에서 박사후연구원을 거쳐, 미국 네바다 주립대학교(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)에서 3년 반 동안 조교수로 근무하였다. ‘Human’-‘Technology’-‘Built Environment’ Interaction을 목표로 AI 기반의 비정형 건설 데이터 분석 연구, 자연어 처리(Natural Language Processing, NLP) 및 Large Language Models (LLMs) 활용 연구, 건설현장의 VR/AR 도입 연구, Wearable sensing 기반의 건물 재실자 쾌적도 향상 연구 등 건물의 생애주기단계별로 발생하는 건설관리 현안들을 지능형 스마트 기술을 통해 해결하는 다양한 연구를 진행해오고 있다.


2003 – 2008 이화여자대학교 건축학과 공학사 / 경영학과 경영학사
2008 – 2010 이화여자대학교 건축학과 공학석사
2014 – 2018 이화여자대학교 건축도시시스템공학과 공학박사

표를 좌우로 움직이면 전체 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.


2021 – 2024. 8 University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) 조교수
2019 – 2020 Texas A&M University 박사후연구원
2010 – 2013 한미글로벌 건설전략연구소 전임연구원
2010 CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) Korea 인턴

표를 좌우로 움직이면 전체 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.

주요논문 및 저서

국제 학술지
Ko, T., Lee, J. *, & David Jeong, H. (2024). Project Requirements Prioritization through NLP-Driven Classification and Adjusted Work Items Analysis. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150(3), 04023171.
Ko, T., Jeong, H. D., and Lee, J.* (2023). Natural Language Processing-Driven Similar Project Determination Using Project Scope Statements. Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(3), 04023005. (Featured in the Editor’s Choice section of the ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering)
Oh, J., Wong, W., Castro-Lacouture, D., Lee, J., and Koo, C. (2023). Indoor environmental quality improvement in green building: Occupant perception and behavioral impact. Journal of Building Engineering, 69, 106314.
Koo, C., Si, K., Li, W., and Lee, J.* (2022). Integrated approach to evaluating the impact of feed-in tariffs on the life cycle economic performance of photovoltaic systems in China: A case study of educational facilities. Energy, 254, 124302.
Lee, J., Ham, Y., and Yi, J., (2021). “Construction Disputes and Associated Contractual Knowledge Discovery Using Unstructured Text-Heavy Data: Legal Cases in the United Kingdom”. Sustainability (MDPI), 13(16), 9403.
Lee, J. and Ham, Y. (2021). “Physiological sensing-driven personal thermal comfort modeling in consideration of occupant activity variations.” Building Research & Information (Taylor & Francis).
Lee, J., Ham, Y., Yi, J., and Son, J. (2020). “Effective risk positioning through automated identification of missing contract conditions from the contractor’s perspective: based on the FIDIC contract cases”. Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE).
Hwang, S., Lee, J., Yi, J., and Kim, M. (2019). “Korean Public Rental Housing for Residential Stability of the Younger Population: Analysis of Policy Impacts using System Dynamics”. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (Taylor & Francis). 18(3).
Lee, J., Yi, J., and Son, J. (2018). “Development of an automatic-extraction model of poisonous clauses in international construction contracts using rule-based NLP.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE). 33(3).
Lee, J. and Yi, J. (2017). “Predicting project’s uncertainty risk in the bidding process by integrating unstructured text data and structured numerical data using text mining.” Applied Sciences (MDPI). 7(11).
Sung, Y., Lee, J. *, Yi, J., and Son, J. (2017). “Establishment of growth strategies for international construction firms by exploring diversification-related determinants and their effects.” Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE). 33(5).
Yi, J., Kim, Y., Lim, J., and Lee, J. (2017). “Activity-based life cycle analysis of a curtain wall supply for reducing its environmental impact.” Energy and Buildings (Elsevier), 138, 69-79.

* Corresponding Author

표를 좌우로 움직이면 전체 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.

주요 수행 연구과제

Broadening Equitable, Affordable, and Health-Promoting Access to Energy Efficient Housing
National Science Foundation (NSF), USA (Role: Principal investigator, PI)
Worksite-specific Safety Training Environments with Augmented Reality
National Science Foundation (NSF), USA (Role: Principal investigator, PI)
Improving STEM Student Fundamental Math Skills with Tailored Activity-Based Instruction
National Science Foundation (NSF), USA (Role: Senior Personnel)
Human-as-a-Sensor (HaaS) for thermal comfort-driven building HVAC operations
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA (Role: Principal investigator, PI)
Real-time sensing of thermal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ) in long-term care facilities
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA (Role: Principal investigator, PI)

표를 좌우로 움직이면 전체 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.